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 Silikan's Brand Story

Retiring In 2017, as a Registered Nurse working in a Dialysis Unit, I wanted to find a small business that flexed around my crazy lifestyle, plus ticked my box

of helping people in some way.

My dialysis patients had fragile skin, and the tape to hold in the needles would often tear off skin when removed!

When I discovered silicone tape & sheets & how gentle on fragile scar skin it was, I knew I needed to make this wonderful tape, available outside hospitals.

I have used the Silkan products trialling them on friends and family (still do! Lol).

Since 2019, SILIKAN Brand products have slowly grown, as I learnt (often the hard way) business skills, plus what my customers need.

Silikan Tapes & Sheets= scar healing for Women & Men who have undergone surgery, in particular Mastectomy, Breast Reconstruction, Lift & Reduction surgeries, plus no ripped skin on removal, & so many other uses(my customers have found)…like holding wigs gently in place (who would have thought?)

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Warmest Thanks

Lisa Raimondo

Silikan is a Trademarked product

US Serial No.88-327,019

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